ideas & thoughts

Runaway A Road Adventure

I was only partially successful, as a sharp pain in my left shoulder attested, but in the sweep of my glance as I sought to again locate my adversary, a sight met my astonished gaze which paid me well for the wound the temporary blindness had caused me.

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All In Our Head

It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. Also he got a race car. Is any of this getting through to you? I wish! It's a nickel. Okay, it's 500 dollars, you have no choice of carrier, the battery can't hold the charge and the reception isn't very…

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Smaller Plate

Tell her you just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating. You're going to do his laundry? They're like sex, except I'm having them! I daresay that Fry has discovered the smelliest object in the known universe!

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Alice On The Roof

I'm sorry, guys. I never meant to hurt you. Just to destroy everything you ever believed in. You don't know how to do any of those. But existing is basically all I do! No, she'll probably make me do it. Meh.

aside post format

A Story About Nothing

Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things.There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words.

Post Format Quote

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. Duke Ellington